RM90m for defective primary school e-books?

By B Nantha Kumar, Free Malaysia Today KUALA TERENGGANU: How did a pre-approved budget of RM30 million for e-books for 25,000 primary school pupils balloon to RM90 million in two years? That is the…

The AG is so full of shit

The ex-Land and Co-operative Development Minister, Tan Sri Kasitah Gaddam, has a tape-recording of the AG extorting money from him. Yes, that’s right, the AG demanded money from Kasitah

Patriotism Revisited

Going by the spectre of racial-slurs, inflammatory and venomous rhetoric of political leaders and many an important people, least expected of course would be head of schools, the nation stood…

The Namewee Video – What Khairy says

While, as a Malay, its stinging to hear that "You tak baca? Siapa buat Malaysia kaya?", i'm realistic enough to realize that if left to the devices of the Malays alone, the nation could very well be…

PAS Youth: Namewee was provoked

By HarakahDaily KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2: The PAS Youth wing slightly differed in its response to the controversy surrounding a YouTube video clip posted by young songwriter Wee Meng Chee, better known…

‘Trust me, Umno is not a failed party’

By Bernama KUALA LUMPUR: Umno is still strong and the party of choice for the Malays despite attempts to create a perception that it is no longer relevant, its secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku…

Zahrain cabar Jahabar Sadiq

(Utusan Malaysia) - Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) The Malaysian Insider, Jahabar Sadiq diminta menjelaskan hubungannya dengan pemimpin Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat Indonesia (Bendera) bagi memastikan…

Umno’s hands in every pie

 Today, Abdul Rahman Maidin revealed in the High Court (see here) that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad told him that Realmild Sdn Bhd, the shadowy company behind conglomerate Malaysian Resources Corporation

A tale of two states (and two men)

Of the two poorest states in Malaysia, one receives oil royalties, the other does not. But whilst the Chief Minister of Sarawak manages to lead a life that is way beyond…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #30

Chapter 4: Modern Model StatesThe Relevant Lessons For Malaysia (Cont’d)Today in the typical Malaysian classroom, even at the highest levels, teaching is a one-way street: from teacher to student.…