Are The PKR Malayans At It Again?

What is going on in PKR Sabah? From what Sarawak Headhunter has been able to gather, it certainly appears to be a Malayan power-play at work and the main culprit is none other than the ambitious…

The future of KL according to Zaid

By Stephanie Sta Maria, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR: Two months into his new role as PKR Federal Territory chief and Zaid Ibrahim is already pushing hard for a dialogue session with the…

Ibrahim Ali patut Berdialog

By Dato' Zaid Ibrahim YB muda Nurul Izzah harus dipuji untuk mempelawa Perkasa berdialog bersamanya mengenai apakah yang menjadi kebimbangan Perkasa. Beliau bertanya apa punca atau perkara yang…

Holy mother CRAP!

It's like we are all living in a porn of stupidity, where everyday, everyone of us tries hard to outdo each other's stupidity.  By Art Harun

Kempen Tandatangan Membantah Saman Ekor

Click here to sign the petition: To:  Kerajaan Malaysia Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat sedang menjalankan suatu kempen mendapatkan tandatangan orang ramai…

Sabah’s 15 days of Independence

By Rizzku Sabah (known as North Borneo then) gain independence from British Crown colony on 31st August 1963. From 1st September 1963 to 15th September 1963, for 15 days, Sabah was truly…

A Ripple in the Pond

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — Perkasa today sidestepped Nurul Izzah Anwar’s challenge to a public debate on Malay rights, saying the community’s special position and privileges should not be questioned…

Thank you, Tun

We need clarity on who is supposed to have these privileges. Are only Malays and Bumiputras entitled? Definitely, yes. But, why are mamaks requesting to enjoy the same? By Jamiliah Kassim

Kekecewaan di Bazar Ramadhan

During a month where lies and deceit should be subservient to fear of Allah, I find that Muslims have no such fear ESPECIALLY when serving and selling food to customers in these Ramadhan bazaars. …

‘SUPP is scared of Taib’

By Joseph Tawie, Free MalaysiaToday KUCHING: The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) is in a quandary – should it continue to support Taib Mahmud as chief minister and the leader of the state…