Isu Bukan Islam Masuk Masjid

Bagaikan menahan lukah di pergentingan, UMNO dan para kuncunya tidak habis-habis menerkam apa jua kesempatan dan isu sebagai modal mempertahan survival politik perkauman mereka. Seperti biasanya,…

The Teo Nie Ching issue

Anyway, the point is, if there is a dress code then just tell the visitor to the surau that there is a dress code. And if they are not properly dressed (actually Teo Nie Ching was) then tell

Cuepacs says no to Perkasa

(The Star) - Cuepacs has distanced itself from Perkasa. Its president Omar Osman said he had declined an invitation last month to become the Federal Territory Perkasa deputy chairman after they…

Could Najib be so bold?

By G Krishnan, Free Malaysia Today But could Najib actually be so bold as to take the ship where, to date, no captain of Umno has dared venture - and survive a potential mutiny?

Polis diminta siasat Namewee

(Utusan) PEKAN 28 Ogos - Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengarahkan pihak berkuasa menyiasat seorang pemuda dari Muar Johor, Wee Meng Cheng atau lebih dikenali 'Namewee' yang mengulangi perbuatan biadapnya…

Anti-racism statements need substance

By TheStar Much is needed by way of better education of course, if there are still Malaysians entertaining repugnant racist thoughts after decades of nation-building campaigns. Worse, what is the…

LDP Supports Its Deputy’s Stand

By Datuk Teo Chee Kang, Sabahkini LDP Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin has every reason to declare that the Party can no longer work with the Chief Minister. The Party stands by what he said.

‘Put King Lizard Wong behind bars’

By Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia Today "People high up in Perhilitan are protecting Wong. Now that he has been arrested, we want the fullest force of the law used against him. This man should be put…

Umno tentang Majlis Fatwa

(Harakahdaily) - Tindakan Umno mengapi-apikan isu bukan Islam memasuki Masjid dilihat menentang keputusan muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia, kata Naib…

My take on the Sabah issue

This is what troubles me. I don’t care about the 12. Whether they stay or go does not concern me one bit. But if they were offered a deal and then were sold down the river then my vote is with the 12,…

Najib, Taib to discuss CM’s post

By Bernama KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will meet with Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) president Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud over the latter’s intention to…

What the NEP meant and means

By P. Gunasegaram, TheStar We need more debate and less rhetoric in ironing out the real issues of affirmative action. WITH all the brouhaha over Malay and non-Malay rights and the relentless…

‘Umno wants to kill off Taib’

By Free Malaysia Today  KUALA LUMPUR: A desperate Umno is aiming to “kill off’ Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and assume power of the vast state. Unable to stomach further humiliation following the…