PKR: Dr M bent on lying

PKR claims that it has proof that Mahathir took a loan from the World Bank during the financial crises.(Free Malaysia Today) - PKR today showed more “evidence” that former prime minister Dr Mahathir…

So, this is Malay leadership

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: not all Malays deserve to get the help that the NEP brings. I would hazard a guess that most Malays who live in exclusive neighbourhoods in KL do not need…

Anwar merely blowing hot air

Chew Lian Keng  Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim only knows how to make empty promises, and his most recent promise to shut down the Lynas rare earth plant in Kuantan if Pakatan Rakyat…

PETRONAS tamat taja Ariff Alfian

(Berita Harian) - PETRONAS menamatkan penajaan Ariff Alfian Rosli, bekas pelajar yang didakwa berkahwin dengan pasangan sejenis di Dublin, Ireland, berdasarkan keputusan dan pencapaian akademik tidak…

Neither DAP nor PAS respects Azmin

PKR must find within its ranks a leader they can trust implicitly.And so I tell Anwar this: “If I know that PAS and DAP will not accept Azmin as leader of PKR, is it not time that you take cognizance…

Frog drawing stirs curiosity

(The Star) - A pencil drawing of a frog was found at the place where former PKR member Lim Boo Chang was believed to have sat as Penang Municipal Councillor at the City Hall building in Esplanade.

‘Anwar running out of ammo’

(New Straits Times) - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should resign from politics if he is adamant on attacking former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said an independent member of…

Mat Sabu’s trial postponed

(New Straits Times) - The Sessions Court yesterday postponed to Jan 30 the trial of Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu charged with criminal defamation against policemen and their families who were…

Calon PRU-13 tak boleh tarik diri

Masa sejam selepas penamaan calon kemuka bantahan turut dimansuh(BERITA HARIAN) -- Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) memutuskan seseorang yang sudah dicalonkan tidak lagi diberi tempoh tiga hari untuk…