Halls of Power Narrow for Malaysian Women

By Liz Gooch, New York Times KUALA LUMPUR — At the gathering in a hotel on the outskirts of the Malaysian capital, there was talk of canvassing “highly persuadable” voters, campaign budgets and media…

PAS man denies supporting Lynas plant

By G.Manimaran, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 — PAS lawmaker Che Rosli Che Mat has insisted that his comments on primetime television were not in support of a controversial RM700 million…

Do you want to go to heaven?

Muslims believe in the Resurrection and the Afterlife, just like Christians do. Christians believe that those who follow Jesus Christ would go to heaven and all others would go to hell. Muslims…

Politics, politics after Raya

By Wong Chun Wai, The StarTHE word in Putrajaya is that immediately after the Hari Raya celebrations, it will be just politics, politics and politics. In short, campaigning for the general election…

PSC: A tactic to delay, deny and confuse?

 By P Ramakrishnan, Aliran President When the Prime Minister announced the setting up of a Parliamentary Select Committee on 15 August 2011, a friend rang up to ask me what I thought of it. My…

Take Responsibility, Rais!

By Tony Pua TV1 last night reported in its 8pm prime-time news on the existence of "Murtads in Malaysia & Singapore" Facebook group. What is most despicable and sickening is TV1 highlighting the…

I would hold the election after Raya

Yes, if I were Najib, I would hold the general election after Hari Raya. If not, then this would be the last Hari Raya with him as Prime Minister. If not, then next Hari Raya we would be visiting…

The MAS loss discrepancy

Did you ever dream you would see the day when the opposition Bloggers would say that they trust the police while the Umno Bloggers are calling the police a bunch of liars? And this is the same police…