Malaysia Looks West for Investments

By Mattew Saltmarsh, New York Times With Europe’s economy mired in a debt crisis, governments in the region have been looking east for a helping hand, tapping the likes of China and Japan to buy…

The Fearless Deputy

By Zaid Ibrahim Someone asked me if there is a power struggle going on in UMNO right now. I said no, only in the Cabinet. This poser was perhaps brought about by the way Deputy Prime Minister Tan…

Malaysia’s ‘Silent’ Awakening

 By Natasja Sheriff, The Nation “In spite of all the attacks, the intimidation, the fear, that the government has put in, from race to violence to chaos and all that, the people have actually…

Sabah BN forced to return NCR land

By Michael Kaung, FMT MARUDU: A protracted native customary rights (NCR) land dispute between a private company and 1,000 villagers from 48 kampungs has finally been resolved.

Timbalan Speaker gubah wang haram?

SABAHKINIRAMAI rakyat Malaysia tertanya-tanya apa hubungan Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar dengan dua pengarah Mercantile Point Sdn Bhd dihukum penjara dan denda…

Who’s scaring the ‘rakyat’?

By Aliran Prior to the Bersih 2.0 event, both the alternative and the mainstream media were abuzz with news of arrests, detention and the use of repressive laws such as the Internal Security Act and…


DARI JELEBUHishamuddin Rais  Setiap tahun semenjak 31 Ogos 1957 Tanah Melayu telah menyambut Hari Malapetaka ini. Ertinya selama 54 tahun Malapetaka telah menimpa kita. Memang betul, pada awalnya…