Militant groups fuel the fires

THE media coverage of the British riots and the political response reveals an inexcusable incomprehension of the internal forces that are destroying Western societies.Central to this strategy is the…

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose!

By MasterwordsmithThe poor performance of MAS in the last two quarters was a matter of concern to many. Then came the explosive announcement that Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia will swap shares in a…

Tiada lagi elaun perpindahan bagi Cikgu !

Oleh  Che'gu BardBanyak pendedahan pembaziran wang negara telah didedahkan. Dari ketirisan dalam perbagai sektor dan perbagai peringkat hinggalah kepada pembaziran Keluarga Perdana Menteri Malaysia…

Reply to “The Religious Front”

By AsamLaksaFirstly I agree with batsman that religion and politics mix. I have no trouble with that even as I am a strong supporter of separation of religion and the state. In fact I don’t think any…

Voter Registration

Come register as a voter this weekend and next weekend at Rumah Anak Bangsa Malaysia (RABM) from 2-4pm.

Panic on the streets of London

PENNY REDI’m huddled in the front room with some shell-shocked friends, watching my city burn. The BBC is interchanging footage of blazing cars and running street battles in Hackney, of police…

London riots

ART HARUNI have been rather sarcastically asked on Twitter such questions as, “you support freedom of assembly, you want Malaysians to riot like the Londoners?”. Another twitterati asked me, “Art,…

The Religious Front

By batsman The political struggle must necessarily be engaged on many fronts, not just on the internet. It is on the religious front that the opposition PR coalition suffers one of its greatest…

Sting is in the air?

SAKMONGKOL AK47We will let the boss of Khazanah say anything at the moment and have his 5 minutes of fame. Everyone would be forgiven to think; this is the last word on the issue because the boss of…

MCA/BN mimpi di siang hari?

ASPAN ALIASMCA tidak lagi bersemangat. Pengerusi MCA Selangor Donald Lim menyatakan yang beliau akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai pengerusi negeri Selangor jika MCA tidak mendapat menambah kerusinya di…

PAS Youth supports church raid

(The Star) - The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) used its prerogative to raid a function at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church last week, PAS Youth said, adding the movement backed the…

Who’s lying now?

So, are there still Malaysians in London or not? Can Anifah Aman make up his mind? In the one breath he says Malaysians have all gone back to Malaysia for the holidays and in another he says…

Haris resigns from Bersih 2.0

He says it's time for him to refocus his attention on his ongoing campaign. (Free Malaysia Today) - Lawyer-turned-activist, Haris Ibrahim, today announced his resignation as Bersih 2.0 steering…

Pemuda PAS sokong tindakan Jais

Menurut Nasrudin menjadi prinsip dan tanggungjawab mana-mana jabatan agama untuk mempertahankan akidah umat Islam serta kesucian agama tersebut. (Free Malaysia Today) - Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat…