False Reports – Face the Music

 (Bernama) - KUALA LUMPUR -- The authorities will not hesitate to charge anyone under Section 182 of the Penal Code for making a false report against police action during the July 9 illegal rally.

Is the MACC Exempt From KPI?

By batsman After all the praise heaped on NTR for being Bapa Transformasi, one wonders what transformations he has achieved to deserve such a great title?

The Trouble With Malaysians

By batsman Malaysians are not perfect people. They suffer from weaknesses too like the rest of the world. To improve, it is necessary to understand our weaknesses and correct them, otherwise, we will…

Is Jho Low a Trojan horse?

I sometimes wonder whether this is genuine stupidity or whether Jho Low is a Trojan horse who is doing all this very cleverly and intentionally  to accelerate Najib’s downfall. Why allow Najib’s…

The Amanah agenda – Part 2

SAKMONGKOL AK47This is a gathering of concerned citizens. On the stage forming the committee members of Amanah were Kadir Sh Fadzir himself, Daniel Tajem, Subramaniam (a former MIC deputy…

Biometric voting ‘foolproof’

By Farah Naz Karim, NST PUTRAJAYA: The biometric system that the Election Commission proposes to use in the next general election is foolproof, said the National Registration Department.

Wilting SUPP searching for unity within

By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: An ailing and deeply divided Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) has made a desperate call to its party leaders to ‘urgently’ carry out the restructing process in…

Jeffrey warns of creeping xenophobia

 By Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Umno parliamentarians in Sabah must lead the way in addressing the issue of illegal immigrants in parliament or face the inevitability of a short lived…

The unseen, unknown enemy of Malaysia

By J. D. Lovrenciear Malaysians are at war. No doubt about that. They are battling an unseen and unknown enemy. Until today we are unable to establish this Enemy Number One. And in the meantime the…

Zahid Hamidi’s Obsession for New Toys

 Why are we  even MENTIONING that we only have 10 operational MiGs in service? Wouldn't THIS, in comparison with imprisoning a soft-spoken doctor for communist links, worth more adverse…

Democracy survey in Malaysia

How do Malaysians perceive democracy in Malaysia? Shu Wen Teo, a student at Colby-Sawyer in New Hampshire, United States wants to find out — as do many of us interested in Malaysia at this critical…