MB’s aide explains why Umno is crass

 By Patrick Lee, FMT PETALING JAYA: The Selangor Menteri Besar’s office today launched a blistering attack against Umno members objecting to a plan to build hostels for foreign workers.

Ex-Umno minister implies elections not fair

By Syed Jeymal Zahiid, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: In an unprecedented move, a former Umno minister implicitly stated that the electoral process here is not free and fair, and that Bersih 2.0′s demands are…

Marina Mahathir and Bersih 2.0

Is Marina Mahathir a genuine righteous person who will take on UMNO and her father in the interest of the Rakyat or is she merely a Mahathir strategy to crush Bersih from within?By Ken

A lie has robbed their freedom

 By P Ramakrishnan (President, Aliran) A lie has robbed six Malaysians of their precious freedom. For three weeks they have been locked up and put away unfairly and unjustly.

DSAI…I think therefore I write

STEADYAKU47 Kemana kita pergi sekarang? Where do we go from here? The chatter from those that do read what I have written these last few weeks on DSAI is mixed….but in the majority gunning for me…

Veterans to attend Amanah launch

Haris Ibrahim of MCLM will also be attending the AMANAH launch Former ministers and elected reps are expected to dominate the inauguration of Tengku Razaleigh’s NGO (Free Malaysia Today) - The launch…