A Biased and Comical Judgement

By Zunar I am referring to the High Court’s decision in dismissing my judicial review application to challenge the banning of my cartoon books, “1Funny Malaysia” and “Perak Darul Kartun” by the…

Najib Snubbed By UK PM?

 By Sarawak ReportThe flash crowd that turned up to boo Najib’s event at Mansion House (the official residence of the City of London’s Mayor) was larger than yesterday’s outside Downing Street. …

Bersih march may delay GE

 By Tashny Sukumaran, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: The Bersih 2.0 rally may have made up Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s mind on when to call for an election. The election may be called later than sooner…

A State of Hypocrisy and Lies!

By Malaysia Today On Wednesday, Najib told a small group of international reporters Wednesday in London that if the Malaysian government allowed street demonstrations of the kind seen in Kuala…

Detention without trial in Malaysia

By Dr Kua Kia Soong  Simon Tisdall's World briefing (14 July) on Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak's violent suppression of last weekend's street demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur was a welcome…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #73

Shari’a literally means, “the road to the watering hole,” the right or straight path to be followed. To Muslims, Shari’a refers to the body of Islamic laws that are perceived as being part and…

Dear PM, do you really want a second term?

You, the believers in BN, must come to realise that you are no different from those you think are anti-BN – you and they all want the same things. It is BN that wants you to believe that you and…

Voter’s registration in Kuching, Sarawak

DAP Socialist Youth with collaboration with PAS Youth wing and Angkatan Muda Keadilan will organise a voters registration this Friday at E-Mart at Jalan Matang, Petra Jaya from 7.30pm - 10.00p.m and…

Bersih 2.0 – New York City

To date, more than 30 cities around the globe held a Bersih 2.0 rally on the same day. All these rallies were organized by people like you and me, ordinary people who want to see change for our…

9th of July – an everyday in Malaysia

By eechia First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Najib Razak, Home Minister Hishamuddin  Hussein, IGP Ismail Omar, Deputy IGP Khalid Bakar and KL Police Deputy…

Malaysia Bans Books

Making fun of the government is not allowed (Asia Sentinel) - A Malaysian High Court judge has upheld the banning of books by a popular political cartoonist for the online news site Malaysiakini and…

‘Give me back my land’

By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: A housewife here is demanding that the state government return a piece of land which it had clamped in 1999, under Section 47, purportedly for construction of a…

Inflation – The Real Picture

      By MasterwordsmithIn an interview with journalists in London on Wednesday, Najib said that the central bank would monitor the situation “very very closely”. Some investors were surprised that…

Assange case judges reserve decision

(Agencies) - LONDON:Judges considering the extradition of Julian Assange need to find evidence of “monumental proportions” to excuse the Australian from facing sexual assault allegations in Sweden.…

Yes, minister, you are wrong!

By Dr Hsu Dar RenArticle 18, Part II of the Fourth Geneva Convention  (August 12, 1949) states clearly that: ” Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and…

More than 200,000 at Bersih 2.0

 By Hawkeye And so with all these consideration and using the methodology as stated in one of my earlier posting in the Anti ISA rally here. The conservative estimates are that the total number of …