Ramasamy, Karpal spat far from over

(New Straits Times) - The high-powered committee formed to resolve a dispute between DAP chairman Karpal Singh and Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P. Ramasamy may like to think it has resolved the…

Battle for the Malay vote

Until the next general election, political parties will engage in serious courting, especially for the fence-sittersA movement called Asalkan Bukan Umno (Anyone But Umno) has arisen but it is too…

Anwar is expendable, PKR is not

PKR must 'ready' itself to lead the Pakatan Rakyat charge with or without Anwar Ibrahim. The question now is this: When does my responsibility towards “supporting” Anwar – the individual – ends and…

Is it STAR in Sabah for Jeffrey?

Once-dormant Sarawak Reform Party looks set to make a comeback through Sabah.(Free Malaysia Today) - Speculations are rife that Sabah political maverick Jeffrey Kitingan will be announcing the Sabah…

Sodomy II verdict on Jan 9

High Court Judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah will deliver his decision on Anwar Ibrahim's case on Jan 9.(Free Malaysia Today) - Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will know his fate on Jan 9 next year…

Buzz your rep on the bus issue

Azmi SharomThere is a need to understand what the philosophies of the competing political parties are, to know their thoughts on the problems of the day.________________________

Naza joins in race for Proton

Business Times understands that the Naza bid could be slightly higher than the rumoured price of RM6 to RM7 a share.(Business Times) - The Naza Group, the country’s biggest privately-held automotive…

The Proton saga continues

Interestingly, the announcements on Proton’s seemingly imminent sale — and even the likely buyer — are coming from Dr Mahathir, who is an adviser to Proton, rather than its major shareholder —…

Oh! Woe to the book lover

One becomes more empathic to social issues and will contribute to the worthiness of a cause when one has a learned viewpoint of the world, as opposed to having shallow knowledge.A reading and…

Shafie: Karpal-Rama feud a time bomb

(The Star) - The feud between DAP national chairman Karpal Singh and deputy secretary-general Dr P. Ramasamy shows that there is a crack in the party, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal…

Apa lagi PAS nak perjuangkan!

Hakikatnya undi orang Melayu tidaklah banyak — sekitar 6.3 juta manakala bukan Melayu lebih 4 juta. Namun jika diambil perhatian, pengundi Melayu memang tersangatlah liat untuk keluar mengundi…

Non-halal books? What’s next?

We do not want this action by Jakim to be a precedent which, if left unchecked, will lead us to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese during the Qin Dynasty where they burned books and buried their…