The master-servant relationship

And this is the reason why we must redefine the master-servant relationship. In the past, before Merdeka of 1957, we the rakyat were the servants while the Sultans, who were the rulers, were the…

YB Ibrahim Ali: Panglima Perang

 Oleh Awang Tak Selamat dari akhbar Utusan Meloya   Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Sana sini asyik tembelang Mati akal pemimpin meradang Ibarat onak di celah kangkang

Malaysia: Rich but not free

By The Jakarta Post The leaders of Malaysia are laboring under an old paradigm that says you can have development or democracy, but not both. We have news for them: You can be rich and free at the…

Bersih 2.0 in San Francisco

By Robert LeongSAN FRANCISCO - After the sun set on a historic day of unprecedented show of people power in Malaysia, one of the last of the global Bersih 2.0 rallies was just about to begin in San…

The Best of Bersih

ART HARUNIn so far as Bersih is concerned, I am done lecturing on the concept of fundamental liberties and the rights of the people. I am done writing about the true concept of social contract and the…

I am proud to be Malaysian

 This was my inaugural march, it will not be my last. I wasn’t paid to go. I guess that’s why the red-shirts show fizzled out. Perhaps there wasn’t enough money thrown around? By May Chee Chook Ying…

Malaysians Passed The Test, Brilliantly!

M. Bakri Musa I would have thought that after the debacle of 1997 with the grossly inept handling of the reformasi demonstrations, and again a decade later with HINDRAF, the UMNO government would…