The day I was tear-gassed by my Government

The Sarawak contingent was led by YB Baru Bian and YB See Chew How.By Being Vernon Even as I write this, the after-effects of being exposed to tear gas earlier today are still lingering; a throbbing…

The Day I Walked for Electoral Reforms

  As I was running past the gates of the hospital, I saw two tear gas canisters hurtling towards me from the skies. By the time they landed, I was already some distance away. Out of nowhere, this…

Why did I join Bersih 2.0?

Yes, if we are not satisfied with the current government, we can always vote them out in the next general election. But how are we going to do that when our election is not as free and fair as we…

Terror funders under watch

By Terence Fernandez, The Sun PUTRAJAYA (July 10, 2011): The registrar of societies (ROS) has a new role to play – identify societies that are being used as a front to fund terrorism activities.

My Bersih 2.0 Experience

RANTINGS BY MMSo I went.I have to say that the night before I had many many misgivings, especially after reading about the army doing exercises with the FRU. Could the government seriously be…

Anwar warns Najib of popular revolt

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider PETALING JAYA, July 10 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told his rival Datuk Seri Najib Razak today to carefully consider the tension on the ground in the aftermath…

What Should We Do Now?

By Tekak Mendalam When the ruling junta collectively decided to let loose those brain-deficient For Rough Use personnel on the Rakyat, it meant that they are forcibly turning this previously…

I Got Tear Gassed

I saw a canister flew past us into Level 1 of Klang Bus Station behind us. Turned back and saw a canister heading straight at us. It landed a couple of metres from me and it hurts. We ran for fresh…

Rapper Atama ready for arrest

By Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Sabah musician-turned-activist, rapper Atama Katama, is prepared for detention, if the police chose to arrest him under the Internal Security Act (ISA).