Leadership to save this country

SAKMONGKOL AK47Each time I write something uncomplimentary about Anwar, some people will say I have a blinkered view of the man. Sorry boys - never met him. Know of him, but never met. So I have…

PR ‘rallying’ for lost support

The July 9 rally is an attempt by PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to shore up its public support ahead of the next general election and in the wake of recent by-election losses and negative…

Stay away, don tells students

(The Star) - Students from public universities should not attend illegal rallies, said Malaysian Higher Education Public Institutions Vice-Chancellors and Rectors Committee chairman Prof Tan Sri…

The (Half) Idiot’s Guide to Bersih 2.0

Bersih 2.0 is a repeat of the first rally, as a follow up (it is good to follow up don’t you think?), scheduled July 9th, 2011  to again demand for electoral reform, since the Election Commisson…

Rally & aftermath

As with my previous experience during the Hindraf Rally, here are a few tips and information on how the GOM will handle the Rally, the participants and Public Relations as well as conclude it. By…

Is Malaysia in Crisis?

The Malaysian government has so far merely reacted with the arrogance of expensive advertising campaigns to sing praises of Malaysia’s well-being accompanied by silence and non-response to…

BERSIH 2.0 Australia

FELLOW MALAYSIANS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN BRINGING IN CHANGE ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN!! Let's join us to support BERSIH. For democratic, for clean & fair elections, for a better Malaysia.

EC: Bersih intends to overthrow govt

The EC's deputy chairman believes the rally is a political ploy and urges S Ambiga to distance herself from it. (Free Malaysia Today) - The Election Commission (EC) today echoed accusations by…

The fear of unity

It is about Malaysians of different ethnicities and religious persuasions marching side-by-side, holding hands, looking out for one another and, in one united voice, demanding free,