Political gimmicks to con voters

Umno leaders are playing a dangerous game and leading the nation towards the brink of destruction when they choose to play the race card at the drop of a hat. Umno is now leading the nation towards…

Dr M: Just say sorry, Ramasamy

All Karpal is asking for is an apology, the former Umno boss said.(Free Malaysia Today) - In a strange twist of events, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad advised DAP leader P Ramasamy to…

Post GE13 political scenarios-Part 3

SAKMONGKOL AK47Part 3.About this having big time grudges or even hating Anwar, let me say this. Just how do you arrive at that judgment? Because I don’t write good things about him?  Some of these PKR…

ATM is not your political playfield

When Vincent Tan followed behind Dr Mahathir to go inside the submarine, I could not help but think of why Vincent Tan being an ordinary businessman, and neither being a government officer nor a…

Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? …dream on!

There are no great Malay leaders in this country of ours any more. All our leaders, without exception, have in one way or another, failed us – and yet having failed they still insist that their right…

Activists want Taib Mahmud arrested

They want Taib and 13 family members arrested for massive graft and plundering the rich natural resources of Sarawak. (Free Malaysia Today) - Environmental groups and activists from Malaysia, Europe…

The pact with the devil

How in the world did the prime minister arrive at the incredible verdict that God was pleased with Umno's track record? Vote opposition and the country will go up in smoke. Then came his punchline:…

Can Najib walk the talk?

Some friends from the mainstream media have met up with me in Bangkok to explore the possibility of doing such an interview. But they are not sure whether their government-controlled newspapers will…

Feud to hog limelight

Karpal, Ramasamy spat likely to be raised at central meeting (New Straits Times) - THE DAP central executive committee meeting tonight might discuss the ongoing feud between party…

Post GE13 political scenarios

SAKMONGKOL AK47Part 2.I will answer by way of an article the comment sent by Orang Kampung on my previous article. Hopefully it will be done in a few days. For now, as I promised I want to clear off…

Dr Hasan Ali a Kemo Sabe?

KTEMOC KONSIDERSIn late April this year, I posted Is Dr Mahathir a racist?, where an extract from it read:….., ‘Malay unity’ was touted when the March 2008 tsunami hit Malaysia and dramatically…

Is this Umno’s last hurray?

Let Umno now celebrate its mirage of victory at the 13th general election.There will be many in Umno who are already packed to go. Those in Umno who do not have the stomach to stand and fight on a…