Pas spooks Umno on Islamic state

The long overdue PAS decisions on Islam meant that Umno, principally, and MCA in tow, would no longer be able to use PAS as the bogeyman to intimidate non-Muslims It was DAP stalwart Karpal Singh who…

Feudalism rules

But if you want to retain the Monarchy and continue with Malaysia’s system of Constitutional Monarchy then learn how to work with the Rulers. Talk to them. Dialogue with them. Learn how to get their…

Your Friday sermon

The government is worried that the BERSIH march of 9th July may end up like the historical Tahrir Square of Cairo incident. I doubt it. The Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak was evil. The Malaysian…

Assange says WikiLeaks works hampered

(AP) - After six months under virtual house arrest, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (pic) acknowledged that his detention is hampering the work of the secret-spilling site. His supporters accused…

The Rot Started With UMNO

One begins to wonder how the individual interests of Malaysian private businessmen for 1 day is tied up with the national interests of the whole country or whether they are just trying to stop…

Shame, Shame On Malaysia

By Matthias Chang Hypocrite of the First Order. How can Malaysia withdraw its invitation to the President of Sudan, Omar Hassan Al-Bashir from attending the Langkawi International Dialogue when it…

Here We Go Again

THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Hakim JoeMalaysia possesses submarines that cannot dive but are able to sail faster than a sampan going upstream. Likewise, we are also buying super expensive helicopters…

Does Malaysia need millionaires?

For a nation of 28 million with about a third that are gainfully employed, have these glaring and hidden Malaysian millionaires and even billionaires made the life and times of the masses any…