Banyak cakap hot air just like fart

Sad to say, however, Malaysians banyak cakap (talk a lot). Like fart, Malaysians are just a load of hot air. And, like fart, the hot air is noisy and smelly. If talking were an Olympic event,…

Was it worth RM1.8 million?

By: Gabey Goh, MalaysiaTourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen has slammed Opposition politician Anthony Loke, over comments made about the contentious Facebook tourism spending.

Apa Sudah Jadi Dengan Yugi?

DARI JELEBUHishamuddin Rais  Paling lawak ialah apabila Lebai Mahathir ini menerangkan kepada jemaah suraunya bahawa pimpinan baru dalam Pas ini adalah kemenangan untuk Bengali Karpal Singh.…

The Failure of Our Institutions

It was either a sign that MACC did not fully understand its functions as an agency or was reflective of an institution which exists just as a Christmas decoration on a very colourful street in…

Bersih rally: Hindraf opts out

The movement's leader says since Pakatan failed to endorse its 18-point demand, Hindraf will not participate in the rally.However, Uthayakumar said Hindraf will back Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim…

Police brace for hackers’ attack

(NST) Police are working with several government agencies in preparing for the “worst” in the event a group of international hackers carry out their threat against the country.

Why Is Perkasa Against Bersih?

It may be that the Government takes no action against him because it considers him a clown, or even a paper tiger. Or it may be that he is actually helping the Government by opposing the Bersih 2.0…

Who Are They Trying To Kid?

Masterwordsmith So what is the name of the game? Justify those expenses! Who will take responsibility for this? If it is not justified, who will pay? Certainly not the rakyat!!!

Umno turning into the old PAS

 Regardless of the sincerity of the accusation, Umno and its allies insist that PAS is committing a political betrayal. They claim PAS is abandoning the Islamic state ideal and ejecting the ulama…