Raja Petra sick of being used

Raja Petra with Matthias Chang in London in January 2011 From the tone of his email and recent interviews, it looks like Raja Petra has lost faith in the opposition movement. Contrary to his…

Rosmah’s prompt act shames ‘e-kasih’

By Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: The shocking exposure by Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, that severe poverty continues to escape detection in Sabah is a wake-up call…

Amnesty plan: Why now Hisham?

“There’s always a tendency that many thousand more illegal immigrants will make use of the amnesty exercise to come into Sabah openly without fear,” he said.By Queville To, FMT

PAS – from cave to condo

By R K Anand, FMT “The people of Malaysia should ask themselves one question, ‘Is this the promised land or are we still searcing for the promised land after 54 years of independence?’” he added.

Obedient Wives Club: ‘You’re mistaken’

Obedient Wives Club clarifies ‘better than a first-class prostitute’ statement. Says it was referring to elite types and not street hookers! But practical sex lessons are out.By Joseph Kaos Jr. Malay…

Hickory, dickory, dock

It appears very clear that while the slogging citizens are borrowing to keep living, our leaders are borrowing to spend, spend, and keep spending.  By J. D. Lovrenciear