A Love Song for Altantuya…

 MAGICK RIVERWell, folks, fasten your seat belts. Some massive turbulence ahead... when the case filed in Paris by SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia, a leading human rights organization) to investigate…

The knives are out in Sabah Umno

By Charles Rudai, FMT KOTA KINABALU: As happens periodically, the Chief Minister’s post, who gets what, and who is sabotaging whom, is taking on the mood of a pre-election campaign within Sabah Umno.

Trim the excesses and wastage

While ordinary Malaysians tighten their belts to bear the burden of price hikes as a result of reduction in subsidies, the Government must also do its part.By Wong Chun Wai, The Star

PAS condemns use of sex video for slander

By Sira Habibu and Mazwin Nik Anis, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The Ulama council condemned the use of sex video for political slander. The ulama said the tactic of using video and new media as channels…

A pas for PAS

 When their opponents convene it is always crowned with war cries of crushed bones and bloodied bodies and what have you. So what can we make out of all these? By J. D. Lovrenciear

Signs of panic

How do you detect signs of panic? It’s simple, really. As an example read PERKASA’s and UMNO’s kneejerk response to the Islamic Party of Malaysia’s party elections on Friday. These are what you can…

Some lessons from PAS muktamar

  What you heard during the presidential address was some idea about a welfare state which PAS wants to introduce if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power; on how Umno had corrupted and made Malays…

Arrest of vice girls

Where in the world do we witness such derogatory behaviour? And why are we doing such dehumanized deeds?  By J. D. Lovrenciear