Push for free speech

By Onn Yeoh, The SunGuidelines and amendments are not enough. The public should push for more freedom of speech and for the abolishment of any acts that hamper such freedom. They should do so…

Dato Onn: Precursor of Perkasa?

The younger generation and those who are not too familiar with Malaysian history may not be aware of Dato Onn’s questionable record on race relations and civil rights. We shall examine the twists…

Utusan memalukan visi Said Zahari

Di zaman kemuncaknya, Said Zahari sebagai Ketua Pengarang Utusan dalam tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an berjuang untuk kepentingan rakyat, khususnya membawa isu-isu orang Melayu yang masih hidup miskin dan…

Talking Malay on false premises

Sakmongkol AK47Let us demolish one pet belief of UMNO people and those who think they speak for UMNO. It's time for the real Malay to speak for the Malay. Where have the real Malays gone?

The burden of proof

That’s why! These lowly educated Melayu from Umno want to try to play psy-war and spin-doctoring. But they don’t know how. Maslan may be the Umno Information Chief but that does not mean he is…

Wikileak: Did Eskay botch again?

 Another Brick in the WallThe blogosphere have been going tic toc tic toc ... waiting for Dato Eskay Shazril to make a revelation he claimed as a final blow to the political career of Dato Seri…

Fighting shadows, stoking fire

By Free Malaysia Today The band of brothers – Perkasa and Umno foot soldiers – who pledged to defend Utusan at all costs has set the stage for a future conflict.

When tenders are not so open

By Terence Fernandez, The Sun THE goings-on in the Social Security Organisation (Socso) are worrying indeed. Here we have an institution, which is responsible for the livelihoods of over five…

Utusan warns of DAP entrapment

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno’s Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP’s Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the…