Anwar to lead even if jailed, says Guan Eng

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng declared today that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will remain as Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) opposition Leader in…

Malaysians not easily incited

By Oon Yeoh, The Sun THE key justification for regulating the media is that because Malaysia is a multiracial country, extra caution needs to be taken to ensure that people don’t get incited,…

DAP: Remove IPP subsidies first

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 - The Najib administration should first cut billion-ringgit subsidies for independent power producers (IPPs) rather than burden the…

Subsidy on my Mind

Apart from failing to mention that being addicted to (and jealously & irrationally guarding) uncompetitive handouts from public funds is also an opium that breeds complacency, extremely…

An Open letter to Ibrahim Ali

Untuk pengetahuan Datuk, saya akan berhenti makan seketika apabila azan disuarakan jika saya bersama umat Islam. Saya akan menunggu jika bersama kawan-kawan Islam saya pada waktu berbuka puasa dan…

CMS’s Ghost Shares !

By Sarawak Report The largest single shareholder of Sarawak’s largest single company remains Laila Taib, according to the latest Annual Report recently produced by the publicly listed company!

Hard life for refugees in Malaysia

(The West Australian) Tan Tian Maw sits in an office on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, hands trembling in her lap, and describes how she was raped by two Malaysian policemen.

`Jangan hina Islam’

 Menurut presiden Perkasa, ada segolongan yang tidak tahu menghormati Islam. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pemimpin tinggi Perkasa sekali lagi mengingatkan pihak tertentu supaya menghentikan tindakan…