Why BN/UMNO Will Win PRU13

An alternative coalition or party that can actually win needs to convince all Malaysian voters, BOTH Bumi and non-Bumi that their concerns and worries are recognized and will be addressed. It has to…

Call Whatever You like

I can’t stop thinking after watching the videos, hearing and reading rubbish, day and night in the media that bring nothing good for the people. Yet they claim its all for the rakyat. It ‘s…

Reversing the brain drain

By P Gunasegaram, The Star Unless Malaysia succeeds in developing, retaining and attracting talent, its cherished dream of attaining high income by 2020 may be dashed to bits.

GE-13: Red Alert For Pakatan

By Mariam Mokhtar Everyone is aware that if the opposition fails to get its act together, then the same voters who voted against BN in the 2008 general election will turn their backs on the…

Swinging back to the fold

By Joceline Tan, The Star Shifting Malay sentiments suggest that Barisan Nasional could be on the way to regaining its two-thirds majority in the next general election.

Unfair to blame PKR for Sarawak losses

By Zehfry Dahalan, Free Malaysia Today Commentators who blame PKR for the opposition’s poor performance in the recent Sarawak election are either spinning the facts or being too lazy to examine the…

Anwar predicts polls to called before August

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 1 — Umno’s increasingly ultra-Malay stance as well as the emergence of a sex video aimed at discrediting Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) image…

Najib to Hadi: Leave DAP, join BN

(Bernama) - KUALA TERENGGANU: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today invited PAS to join the Barisan Nasional (BN) in efforts to champion the agenda on race, religion and the nation.

Dr M: Anwar doesn’t care about Malay unity

By Tashny Sukumaran, Free Malaysia Today ALOR STAR: Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today that PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim “doesn’t care about Malay unity, he just wants to be…

Needed – laws on political funding

(Bernama) - KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia needs laws to ensure all political funding is transparent, according to a member of the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board, Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas.

PM: Chinese must choose

(Bernama) KUALA TERENGGANU: The Chinese must decide whether to vote for the MCA or lose representation in the government, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

The talented Mr RPK

By Sharaad Kuttan, The Malaysian Insider You could be forgiven for confusing RPK with the comedian Harith Iskandar. While it’s true that they both have shaved pates and ethnically indeterminate looks,…

The Real Deal Chinese Running Dog

My dear Malaysian Chinese, the man who is purported to be the leader of your voice in the BN government is telling you that you are a 2nd class citizen in this country and live with it. I am not…

Talent Corporation Doomed To Fail

By Tony Pua The Prime Minister, Najib was extremely quick and swift to “refute” the conclusions of the World Bank Report on “brain drain” in Malaysia without providing any substantive evidence in…

Please stop desecrating Islam

By J. D. Lovrenciear  The latest swearing in a sacred place of worship and the drama unfolding preceeding that swearing saga truly desecrates Islam. And pathetically, no one - no one Muslim - is…

PAS warns fans of oath-taking

(Harakah Daily) - KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 29: As dares to take an oath reviberate in the media in the ongoing saga of the pornographic clip targeting Anwar Ibrahim, PAS has reminded all quarters not to…