Sugar and spice, and everything nice

That’s what little girls are made ofOur nation’s daughters must be raised in such a manner that they learn their natural place in the grand scheme of things; that their contribution to nation…

Najib’s 15%

If hundreds of thousands of professionals leave Malaysia in this continuous trend within the next few years Vision2020 will never be achieved by 2020 and we will never ever be a developed country.…

MCA boss’ stand a veiled threat

By RK Anand, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s statement that his party will review its government appointments should it perform badly in the next polls can be…

Does the DAP Need to Reform Too?

By batsman  The DAP is on the roll. Its election successes and good administrative record in Penang are provoking panicked calls for 1Melayu 1Bumi after Ketuanan Melayu seems to have lost its…

Just cannot have it both ways

The Chinese demand equality and meritocracy and, for these reasons, are willing to back the DAP despite its alliance with the Islamic PAS and the scandal-ridden PKR. The political reality today is…

Bukan dibunuh

Polis sahkan kes kematian pegawai kanan kastam di bangunan SPRM tiada unsur jenayah(Berita Harian) -- Misteri kematian Penolong Pengarah Kastam Diraja Malaysia (KDRM) Selangor, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed,…

Wanita pelajar kolej swasta

(Harian Metro) - Polis sudah mengenal pasti identiti wanita yang berada dalam rakaman video seks dikaitkan dengan seorang pemimpin politik pembangkang dan juga lokasi video itu dirakam.

RPK’s motive

Raja Petra Kamarudin used to be a hero in everyone's heart. Today, he is anything but a hero. Whatever it is, RPK has fallen from grace. And there's no doubt about it.By TAY TIAN YAN Translated by…

A disgraced legend

However, heroes do not always enjoy freedom of expression. A hero is expected to come up with extreme and biased remarks. No one needs the truth anyway; all that they want are emotionally charged…

Longing For A Free Mind (Part 7 of 14)

We delude ourselves into thinking that with Ketuanan Melayu we are destined to be Tuans (masters) of Tanah Melayu (Malay Land). We need not strive; it is our destiny, presumably ordained by…

1Malaysia but not one nation?

If a so-called Chinese paper, i.e. the party owned Rocket had published a similar column like that which was carried in the Utusan - except substituting anything 'Malay' with 'Chinese' what would…

Cakap cakap…Loyalty to each other

What Petra said or did not say at that TV3 session, what he inferred was said by DSAI and Din Merican’s involvement in the whole matter, please let it not distract you from the facts as we know…

Teoh a go-between guy, court told

(Bernama) - The Commission of Inquiry into the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock was told that the deceased acted as an intermediary in determining quotations of projects approved by Seri…