The opposition media lies as well

Note that the PAS President said: “the one spun by the media with regards to his statutory declaration”. Then note what Wong Choon Mei said what Hadi Awang allegedly said, which is not at all what he…

PKR the real spoilers: SAPP

(Daily Express) - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said PKR no longer serves any purpose being in the Pakatan Rakyat opposition coalition because it is proven they could not deliver Bumiputera votes and…

Musuh nombor satu ialah kejahilan

Sekiranya kita melancarkan kempen boikot kedai makan Mamak dan kedai makan Cina yang meletakkan kerusi-meja mereka diluar kedai ditepi jalan maka, lama-kelamaan, amalan ini akan dihapuskan dan…

RPK and the generals who betrayed him

This whole manoeuvre was part of a strategy to prevent Datuk Seri Najib Razak from succeeding Pak Lah and to facilitate one of these generals coming into power instead. Despite his wife’s discomfort,…


Art HarunBesut boot camp for 66 sissies, screamed our premier English newspaper, the New Straits Times today. I have a question NST. When are you going to change your name to something like the New…

Sarawak – 3 headaches for Najib

KTemoc KonsidersI read three pieces of really bad news for Najib. As I once explained to a sweetie (who incidentally no longer loves me, sob!), good things come in 'threes', and not from 'trees' as…

Blogger to submit video in Rais suit

(FMT) - KOTA KINABALU: Controversial author and blogger Abdul Mutalib Mohamed Daud is preparing a video clip to use in his defence in a suit brought by Minister of Information, Communications and…

Thief Minister Stole Election !

By Sarawak Report A tiny cabal, like thieves in the night, hijacked the machinery of the state and denied the will of the people in Sarawak at the weekend.

Kit Siang proposes DAP-SNAP merger

The merger will accelerate the Iban-Dayak political awakening and help Pakatan topple BN in Sarawak (Free Malaysia Today) - DAP parliamentary leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang today proposed…

20 cyber crime cases under probe

(Bernama) - THE Information, Communications and Culture Ministry has opened 20 investigation papers on cyber crimes in the first three months of this year.

Flap over offensive word in dictionary

By Alyaa Alhadjri, The SunA new controversy is threatening to erupt over the inclusion of the word “paria”, this time in the Kamus Dewan, a main source of reference for Malay words.

Time for a Malaysia Report

By Ex Poh Say, The Malaysian Insider I think someone or group should start a Malaysia Report to bring to light corruption among the elite in the whole country.