DAP: Vote out SUPP for development

The prime minister's offer of a new Chinese school in Kuching is not going to win SUPP more supporters. (Free Malaysia Today) - KUCHING: The opposition DAP’s new tagline in Kuching should perhaps now…

Now the force is with BN

The tide has changed direction and is now flowing with – and not against – the Barisan Nasional. (Free Malaysia Today) - KUCHING: Something happened along the way. The opposition advances were…

Deepak vs. RPK: Round 7

Let me admit to you that I did sign a false statutory declaration. Yes, I did. I signed a false statutory declaration. It was the second one, not the first one. The first one was entirely truthful.…

When will Anwar ever learn?

(Free Malaysia Today) - From Rakyat Tulen, via e-mail I’m not talking about his private life. I’m talking about his leadership style. By putting up so many candidates in the Sarawak elections, many of…

Decentralise local councils

By R Nadeswaran, The Sun ALTHOUGH London has an elected mayor, he does not have much power or say on how it is run. Power has been decentralised to each of London’s 33 boroughs which are each…

BN faltering on Taib factor

(The Malaysian Insider) - KUCHING, April 13 — With three days before polling, all is not well within the Barisan Nasional (BN) camp in Sarawak — and it is down to one man’s stubbornness.

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