In Sarawak, Pakatan seat row still simmers

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — Less than 10 days before nomination for the state’s election, PKR has yet to resolve its dispute with the Sarawak National Party…

Show us the figures

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun The principle is that when one holds public office, nothing should be concealed. This has led to watchdogs, NGOs and even MPs from questioning wasteful expenditure. We have…

Siapa pendatang?

Oleh Uthaya Sanker SB, Free Malaysia Today Saya amat menyampah apabila sesiapa sahaja merujuk warganegara Malaysia daripada kalangan kaum Cina, kaum India dan “lain-lain” sebagai “pendatang” dan…

PAS leaders snub Nalla offer

By Syed Mu’az Syed Putra, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — The top PAS leadership has decided to ignore Datuk S. Nallakaruppan’s offer to dish the dirt on Opposition Leader Datuk Seri…

Umno and BN will prevail, says Daim

The former finance minister also talks about PM Najib, former premier Mahathir, opposition leader Anwar and the situation in Pakatan states. (Free Malaysia Today) - Tun Daim Zainuddin is confident…

Time to pause and think

I accept the notion that all governments must be made accountable. But I ask my Bahraini brothers and sisters: Is there any accountability in your own homes and culture? Those shouting for more…

Perkasa: Better ruled over than walked over

By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 — Malays would be better off living under colonial rule if Article 153 of the Federal Constitution which safeguards the special position…