The EC’s folly

By Jacqueline Ann Surin, The Nut Graph WHAT will it take for the Election Commission (EC) of Malaysia to be independent? Or at the very least, to be seen as trying to be independent even if it can’t…

Growing World Attention Focusses on Sarawak

By Sarawak Report The wave of protests and disgust against the destructive regime of Taib Mahmud in Sarawak is continuing and it has gained further attention in the international media.  There have…

Closing in for the kill

Today, the Prosecution wants the court to decide whether it can force Anwar Ibrahim to give his DNA sample. Will the action succeed and will Anwar have to comply to the court ruling? What is the…

The NEM and Teraju paradox

By Vijay Kumar MurugavellLike a phoenix rising out of the ashes of the New Economic Policy (NEP), a new gargoyle named Teraju was launched on February 8, 2011.The newborn Teraju was seen as the…

PKR promises oil firm for Sabah

The party's election manifesto for Sabah promises a wide range of reforms that would put Sabah in the hands of Sabahans.(Free Malaysia Today) - KINARUT: Sabah will have its own oil and gas company…

Anwar goes on the defence

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is at his lowest ebb since March 2008 and he is turning to the ceramah circuit to defend himself against multi-pronged attacks.PKR people still insist he is Pakatan’s Prime…

Towards electoral reform in Malaysia

New Mandala“The Election Commission only conducts and manages elections… I wish you would have gone to the Cabinet or the Attorney-General with your reform proposals as the commission doesn’t have…

Anwar charms students, pushes activism

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider BANGI, March 13 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim regaled a young audience with tales of corruption and sodomy here last night, in a bid to inspire student activism…

Bishop slams bible seizure denial as lies

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, March 13 — Bishop Ng Moon Hing, who heads the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), has denounced as lies a reported home ministry denial that…

A handicap we must overcome

By Wong Chun Wai, The Star There’s no two ways about it – universities have to give importance to English if they want to produce employable graduates.

Medical standards need to be kept high

(The Star) - THE decision to permit Malay­sian medical students to study at any educational institution in the world would surely seem to come as a welcome measure, following planned amendments to…

Doomsday Bollocks

By John DoeThe World is coming to an End !! Borrow ALL the money you can. Spend lavishly, and live a Luxurious life fully knowing that you never have to repay the Bank, FInance Companies or Ah…