Anwar squashed by Najib’s speech

We all know now that the apologists' scenario is croc: if Anwar had truly secured the numbers, especially the incredible defection of 30 Umno MPs from Sabah, he would have clawed his way into…

Hate language still holds sway

Again and again in Malaysia, those who defend the rights of citizens to exercise their fundamental liberties are treated as offenders.Muslim feminists, human rights defenders, and LGBT (lesbian, gay,…

Transform, reform or deform?

Umno is not forgiving of leaders who cannot deliver what they require to continue having their way with our country. Najib is caught up in lies of his own making. He pretends to be a blogger when he…

Between principles and popularity

Wan Azizah's assurance the PKR will not choose dubious candidates for the coming polls augurs well for party, if only it walks the talk.Obviously, the BN and Umno chief is concerned about winning,…

Malaysia’s Militant Headache

Recent arrests have sparked fears that militants may be eyeing a Mumbai-style attack. Foreigners would be the likely target.THE DIPLOMATTawau is a quiet little place – and possibly the remotest city…

Mahathir Wrong on India

THE DIPLOMAT EBG6NYSM4VCJ Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammed, while at an annual newspaper summit in New Delhi this week, argued that India could do…

Stamford Holdings Sdn Bhd

Muhyiddin called up Stamford again, and told them, “Look, I have this piece of paper in front of me on my desk. All I have to do is sign it and Stamford Holdings will no longer own the 4,000 acres…

Najib’s choice: glory or infamy?

Is the 1Malaysia concept merely an illusion and Najib is nothing but a dream peddler?Is he living in a dream world? Why is it that he has failed to see the rot in his own camp? How can he be credible…

Muhyiddin leads Umno loyalty pledge

(The Star) - Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Saturday led party members to pledge their loyalty to the party in conjunction with the Umno General Assembly 2011, which is said to be…

Been chilling out

Sorry I haven't been writing much the last couple of days. I've been chilling out and catching up with friends in sunny Bangkok. Furthermore, I am working on my final paper for my course, which ends…

UMNO not dominating, not racist?

If Umno is really serious about reformation and transformation for the nation, then it should set an example by becoming a non-race party like PKR and Kita. This step will go a long way towards…

Rosmah: Don’t fall for online news

Use your intelligence to evaluate any issue, the wife of the prime minister tells students.(BERNAMA) - Malaysian students studying abroad are advised against believing rumour or slanders spread by…

Umno sees Pakatan a threat to Islam

Umno delegates continue to play the religious card in their relentless attack on the opposition.(Free Malaysia Today) - Umno continued its attack on the opposition today, claiming that the country’s…