The Malays Divided?

We now see Malays bent on intimidating not the other races but other Malays. We see Malays assembled within meters of each other hurling insults and threats of bodily harm at each other in the name of…

State of despair

By Terence Fernandez, The Sun AS OLD wives tales go, if someone were to mention your name many times, it could induce non-stop sneezing. Hence if Port Klang were a person, it would have been…

Sebenarnya siapa yang derhaka?

Aspan AliasUMNO Selangor akhirnya bersetuju untuk hadzir didalam persidangan khas Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor pada 24 Januari yang akan datang. Persidangan itu dipanggil untuk meminda…

Don’t Take Cyberspace for Granted!

Whilst IT has broken down geographical and cultural barriers, it has also enabled ordinary citizens like you and me to keep an eye on what is happening locally and internationally. Advances in…

dUMNO rebuts Ridiculous Tee

Written by dUMNOAiyoyo, kawan, how you know that singKapor is Jewish? You think their Tokong where you say they pray to King-Kong is actually a Synagogue izzit? Then the churches how? Behind the…

MCA about to take over Edge for RM180m?

By uppercaise The MCA’s investment arm Huaren Holdings is said to be close to sealing a RM180m deal to take over the Edge, the business weekly owned by former stockbroker and banker Tong Kooi Ong,…

Mahathir has lost touch with realities

In Malaysia, the social environment is such that the sense of racial exclusiveness is evident in daily life. There are many racial enclaves within cities. The rural areas are predominantly Malay.…

They work hard for what they want

The Malay community in Singapore is aware it lags behind the majority in some ways. But a Malay who graduates from university here knows his achievement is due to his own effort and not some form…