Wakil Rakyat versus Wakil Parti

Today we talk about the role of the State Assemblyperson or Parliamentarian, known as Wakil Rakyat, who most times go to the State Assembly or to Parliament to represent their party instead of the…

But Dr Ridhuan, I beg to differ

Art HarunAllow me to  begin by wishing you a happy new Gregorian year. May this new (Gregorian) year bring with it God's goodness for all of us. I am writing in response to your article, "Politik…

Tough call for Talent Corp

By R. Nadeswaran, The SunNOT many people have heard of him. He is 37 years old and obtained a first-class in economics from Cambridge. His task is to lure back thousands of skilled and talented…

Stalling EC riles DAP

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: Sarawak DAP is furious with the state election commission over the omission of the names of new voters which the party had submitted in June last year.

Work with us on this, Pak Lah!

By The Malaysian Insider It has been close to two years since he stepped down but former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is still in the news. Not in a good way, though.

Are We Ready For Change? …..Really

Given the current scenario with the coalition-of-willing, this might be a difficult task, let alone the empty talk of taking over the federal government. Read my lips, it is not going to happen. I…

Deny, refute or sue

By P. Ramakrishnan (President, Aliran) Honour demands a response.Is it a rumour – or is it a fact – that is swirling around in the internet implicating a minister in the Prime Minister’s cabinet of…

A Rotten Future Or What?

Today, I came across THIS LINK on the third issue of The Malaysia Economic Monitor (themed Inclusive Growth),November 2010 issued by the World Bank. The Preface of this 118-page report explained…

Tenang: Risalah fitnah mula disebar

(HARAKAH DAILY) - Risalah tidak bertuan yang mula tersebar di Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Tenang bertujuan mempengaruhi pengundi Melayu, dakwa Ketua Pemuda PAS Johor, Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil.

Federalising Selangor…

I know, I know - there is no such word as federalising...but in this strange time, everything is possible. If one can abuse the standing orders and protocols, so what is there to hype about minor…

Rule of Law Must Prevail

It would be wrong to set aside what is stated in the written constitution. We must submit ourselves to the rule of law at all times. This is how a democracy functions. Anything short of this will be…