Peaceful Assembly Act 2011

Additionally, it shall be up to any police officer on the scene to determine if the assembly is peaceful or otherwise. Immediate arrests without the need of an arrest warrant is granted. By TAKDENAMA…


Stand By Me - Japan In the summer of 2011 the Playing For Change Band was invited to perform at Jazz Fest in New Orleans.  While we were in town long-time friend of the project,…

Economic policies that do not add up

The lack of economic expertise in Pakatan Rakyat underlines the many difficulties the Opposition would encounter if it captures Putrajaya.Except for Tony Pua, the DAP MP for Petaling Jaya Utara,…

Crisis in the Chambers

More and more senior DPPs are throwing in the towel and the list includes Solicior-General II Mohd Yusof. Sources claim that the AG is to be blamed for this.(Free Malaysia Today) - Allegations of…

The 13th GE: Its an open field

SAKMONGKOL AK47Rahim Tamby Chik (RTC) says there are attempts by the opposition  parties to invite Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to become PM. This will happen Rahim says, if there is a hung parliament.…

Emergency laws lifted, EO void

The government lifts the existing three emergency proclamations which in effect makes the Emergency Ordinance void.(Free Malaysia Today) - The government today lifted the three existing emergency…

Komen yang hina rakyat Kelantan

“Orang Indonesia mentalitinya lebih rendah sedikit dari rakyat Kelantan tapi persamaannya mereka bersifat fanatik dan kenegerian yang melampau,” begitulah bunyi satu komen pembaca di dalam akhbar…

Sultan Selangor tegur Aziz Bari

Baginda turut menasihatkan Aziz agar tidak membuat sesuatu kenyataan yang boleh mengelirukan dan meresahkan rakyat terhadap integriti MAIS dan LZS.(Free Malaysia Today) - Sultan Selangor, Sultan…

Aunty Bersih: I’ll walk again

In an FMT Raw interview, she calls upon Malaysians to speak up and fight against injustice.You must come out and walk. If just Twitter and Facebook, and you have a big group, and you do not appear…

The case against MCA

By Joyselling Ton via The Malaysian Insider Not a day goes by without  Dr Chua Soi Lek and his gang trying to get Malaysian Chinese to support them — and they do not do so by showing themselves to…

Populist policies undermine reform

By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director, SuaramWATCHING recent events and statements by Malaysian politicians, the urgent need for reform in our country risks being undermined by populism on both sides of the…

PAC tells govt to buck up

(The Sun) - GEORGE TOWN (Nov 23, 2011): The Penang state government wants an amicable solution to resolve a deadlock in implementing the newly gazetted State Housing Board.

Finance Minister II dodges NFC query

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 — Datuk Seri Husni Hanadzlah today declined to elaborate on the standard procedure for disbursing government loans in the wake of…

PM calls new assembly law ‘revolutionary’

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Rubbishing accusations that the Peaceful Assembly Bill was repressive, Datuk Seri Najib Razak today instead declared it a “revolutionary” law and a “giant leap”…