The Ups and Downs of Harvest Court

MASTERWORDSMITH UNPLUGGEDRecently, many speculators were rattled with the news that the 28-year-old son of our PM, Nazifuddin Najib, resigned from the board of Harvest Court Industries Bhd as…

PAS may close Genting casino

Islamic party chief says this is possible if they win Pahang (The Malay Mail) - The nation’s sole casino attraction may be forced to shut down if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) wins Pahang in the next…

Taxi service to airport

By FendyoasisI am writing in response to the MAS-AIR ASIA deal article. This has hot nothing to do with the deal but I just want to talk about the taxis in the airport and the little Napolean…

Mismanagement galore irks PAC

The committee is tired of the endless cases of mismanagement and wants to fix the problem.(Free Malaysia Today) - Cases of mismanagement of public funds and projects continue to pile up and the…

MACC must go after the big fish

Steve Oh, CPIThe road to democracy let alone the “world’s best democracy” is a road far less travelled when it is peppered with potholes of corruption and the authorities are selective who they…

US tightens noose on Iran

Washington targeting regime’s energy sector directly for first time (AFP) - The United States announced fresh sanctions against Iran's energy sector Monday and warned firms against dealing…

Vying for dubious achievements

We are great at railing against idiotic politicians at mamak stalls and on social websites, but when it actually comes to doing something, we make excuses; and with that, we dis-empower…

Sarawak DAP rep booted-out by Speaker

By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei was thrown out of the Sarawak assembly after a dramatic 10-minute verbal slug-out with Speaker Asfia Awang Nassar and other Barisan…

The age of destruction is nigh?

In the barbaric age, the Vikings and the Huns used to invade and plunder the villages using the sword and battle-axe. The people then lived in fear of such a foreign invasion. That age is now lost…

Orang Umno kembalilah kepada fitrah

PKR, ialah parti yang tidak mempunyai perjuangan yang jelas. Ia hanya berjuang untuk kepentingan Anwar Ibrahim. Dulu Semangat 46 pun sama, berjuang untuk seorang individu, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.…

Is it just the economy, stupid?

Yes, I’m talking about civil liberties stuff. You know, free speech, human rights, separation of powers and all that good stuff that civil society cares about. In the past, this was fringe stuff,…

Paper Castles In The Air

MASTERWORDSMITH UNPLUGGEDThe young indulge in building castles in the air whereas the rich and famous build paper castles! Recently, Sarawak Report carried an article HERE which said that "Chief…