DAP finds unlikely ally in Harris

A power struggle is gripping Sabah Umno and the opposition has become an unwitting participant in the tussle.(Free Malaysia Today) - DAP has found an unlikely supporter in former Sabah chief minister…

PAS: Why is MAIS assisting Perlis?

PAS Selangor wants to know why the state's zakat money is being used to aid other states.(Free Malaysia Today) - Selangor PAS state commissioner, Abdul Rani Osman, wants an explanation from Lembaga…

PKR: NFC paid for private umrah trip

PKR also claims that the duo had used taxpayers' money meant for NFC to set up private companies in Singapore.(Free Malaysia Today) - PKR today made fresh allegations on the publicly-funded National…

DPM: Umno fixing its internal problems

By Lisa J Ariffin, The Malaysian Insider  Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today agreed with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that Umno is plagued with internal squabbles but gave an assurance…

It’s Nothing But A Turf War

By MasterwordsmithIn this way,  politics and religion are both the same. Only that in politics they will call them frogs while in religion, they foam at the mouth and get all excited at what they…