Hisham rebuts Dr M, says Umno has improved

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein dismissed today Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s claim that Umno has not improved since Election 2008 and was unable to…

Hate language still holds sway

Again and again in Malaysia, those who defend the rights of citizens to exercise their fundamental liberties are treated as offenders.Again and again in Malaysia, those who defend the rights of…

Voting rights for overseas Malaysians

If we can’t work it out ourselves, then why not look at how other countries do it? After all, Britain and the USA - both countries where people vote according to their localities, like ours - allow…

Dr Mahathir: Umno Belum Giat Berusaha

A Kadir JasinPERHIMPUNAN Agung Umno akan diadakan penghujung bulan ini dan Pilihan Raya Umum mungkin menyusul tidak lama selepas itu.Tetapi, orang kedua paling berpengaruh dalam politik Malaysia –…

Najib: 5-6% growth possible for this year

(Bernama) - KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia can achieve an economic growth of between five and six per cent this year via systematic government planning, matured policies and effective implementation, says…

Season Of Christian Bashing For Hasan Ali

By Mariam Mokhtar In the lead up to Christmas, it appears that the season of goodwill has been replaced by the season of Christian bashing, at least in the state of Selangor. During question time at…

Dr M says Umno weak and damaged

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider Umno has not made any effective improvements since Election 2008 general and is unable to garner support from Malays, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed has said…

MT Responses

Hi Pete,With my comment under your article "Let's get it straight", I was trying to put across a subtle, subliminal message but, judging by the responses, I obviously failed big time to hit the…

GDP growth? What raw figures do not say

How many of us felt richer by 5.8%  during those 3 months? Now the governor revealed that "public consumption expanded by 21.7% from 6.6% in Q2". What this mean is that official GDP increased…

BN’s disgusting international standards

The Barisan Nasional (BN) government sure has a funny way of recognising international achievers. It kicks them out of office when they start performing with international standards.By Jackson Ng,…

Koh Tsu Khoon: He’s hot and he’s cold

By Douglas Tan  After the March 2008 General Elections which all but eliminated Gerakan from the Penang political scene, the party has failed to find its feet since then. One could not think of a more…