PM: Human rights cause split

By Mazwin Nik Aziz, The Star PERTH: Commonwealth countries have yet to decide on the appointment of a High Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

English given a shove

By Douglas Tan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin must be under the sincere belief that political gain is more important than the education of our next generation. By pushing through his anti-PPSMI rhetoric,…

The Battle of Three Prime Ministers

Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang Mahathir  has won the shadow power battle of three Prime Ministers on the sidelines of Perth 2011 CHOGM on the EPG’s proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for…

Media Statement on PPSMI

By Tony Pua The Ministry of Education must allow for flexibility in the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English policyThe DAP wishes to state our position in support of the teaching of…

Isn’t it puzzling?

I have many close friends who are Mamaks. Some of them even speak Tamil very fluently. They are certainly Indians but Muslims. I wonder how they feel when they read the comments in…


Hey! MCA has insulted Islam. MCA has said that Islamic laws are outdated. Insult! Where are Zul Noordin and Ibrahim Ali? Where are PERKASA and ABIM? Attack! We

Perkasa spewing new venom

Birds of a feather flocked together at the right wing group’s assembly on DeepavaliHe did not mention that the special position had a shelf life of 15 years and was confined by the constitution under…

Rotate CM post among communities

By Michael Kaung, Free Malaysia Today SANDAKAN: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) women’s wing has called for the revival of the rotation system of the Sabah chief minister’s post after the coming…

The Najibs’ pilgrimage and GE

If the allegation is true that it is nothing more than a political gimmick, Does Najib think manipulating his hajj will assure him of the people's vote?Badrul, who is also Rembau branch PKR chief,…

Syariah law vs Sabah ‘adat’

The swish of a cane against a human back heralded a new era in the East Malaysian state recently, threatening its customs and traditionsObservers have also noted that the rich and famous have got off…

Ahmadiyya decry JAIS attacks

Islamic authorities are bent on demonising us, say local Ahmadiyya Muslims. (Free Malaysia Today) - Local Ahmaddiyya Muslims are tired of being discriminated against, and want to challenge the state…

Aziz Bari receives bullet, death threat

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 — Controversial International Islamic University (UIA) professor Abdul Aziz Bari received a bullet this morning with a death threat…

Assunta Hospital Dilemma

By A SpecialistAssunta Hospital was indeed set up as a charity hospital.  It received tax-free status almost immediately.  It grew almost exclusively from public donations. When the hospital was…

Why the fuss over the 2010 AG Report

SAKMONGKOL AK47Let us show you a few examples. Perhaps then readers will understand what all the fuss is over the AG Report. Bizarre overpricing- the National Youth Skills Institute (under the Youth…

Living From Hand To Mouth

By Masterwordsmith Recent articles on What AG's report Says on Penang, Selangor, Kelantan, and Kedah provide evidence that state governments under PR doing well (financially). But does this mean the…

You want it, you got it

Malaysians actually have split personalities. If they think you know who they are they can be very nice people. But if they think you do not know who they are they are downright…

The court and the PM’s Department

The separation of powers is a central principle woven into the fabric of our Constitution. And it is essential that the judiciary is not only independent, but also seen to be independent of the…

‘Sick’ projects, sick nation

WIKISABAHThe government is still awarding the building contracts of hospitals to obscure and inexperienced companies.Every year the Auditor-General’s Report shows that the federal government is not…