Gutter politics – utterly disgusting

By P Ramakrishnan, Aliran PresidentResorting to utter gutter politics is akin to swimming in the cesspool without a care. That’s how those faceless pro-Umno bloggers who spun a lie regarding an…

MCA and hudud: Part 3

By Stanley Koh, FMT Few will disagree that politicians are often trapped in history and history in them. MCA politicians should take heed. Unfortunately, when they throw stones at their rivals, they…

The 3R program: Plan B

It looks like Pakatan Rakyat Selangor is going to be a one-term government. Well, maybe they deserve to be kicked out for sleeping on the job. Maybe this will wake them up. The only…

The 3R program

The plan is: how do they make sure that the Malays will swing back to Umno? They need to make sure that they get at least 60% or more of the Malay votes because they expect at least…

University suspends Aziz Bari

By K Pragalath, FMT PETALING JAYA: Constitutional law professor Aziz Bari has been suspended until further notice by International Islamic University (IIUM).

Stop The Intimidation of Academics

By Tony Pua The Government and University authorities must stop the intimidation of academics who expresses views and opinions differing from the ruling establishment.

MCA and hudud: Part 2

By Stanley Koh, FMT What is the role of religions in politics? Is Islam compatible with democracy? How do we deal with the conflicts between the constitutional provisions for fundamental liberties…

The economics of 1Malaysia Menu

By Wangsa Maju for Malaysia The recently tabled 2012 budget, the BN one that is, looks too optimistic in its revenue forecast while total expenditure seems unchecked and I struggle to detect…

Blockade Update

By Bruno Manser Fonds Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends,we have today received further information from the blockading Penan communities in Middle Baram, Sarawak:

Chua, arrogantly shameless and unethical

By Jackson NgI READ with disgust the MCA’s mouthpiece (The Star) report quoting its master, Dr Chua Soi Lek, as saying that gutter politics is the norm today.How arrogantly shameless and unethical can…