What now for Dr Koh, Gerakan

Apart from that, chances of Gerakan retaining two parliamentary seats - Simpang Renggam (Johor) and Gerik (Perak), that the party won in the 2008 general election also seem to be getting tougher…

Deflate the bloated civil service

It is time the government addresses the issue of the overbloated civil service. If you take pensions into account, emoluments and pensions as a percentage of the government’s operating expenditure,…

Wee defends MCA ‘glam girls’

By Tarani Palani, FMT Are we so chauvinistic that we can't stomach pretty women in politics?KUALA LUMPUR: A rattled MCA Youth chief, Wee Ka Siong, has slammed PKR over lurid photos of several girls…

MACC urged to probe Ananda Krishnan

By Patrick Lee, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: A formal investigation by India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) against Maxis Communications Bhd tycoon T Ananda Krishnan and its director Ralph Marshall…

Missing: The Auditor-General’s report

(Harakah Daily) - Something has been missing prior to the debate of the 2012 Budget in parliament yesterday, as pointed out by Opposition Leader who is also the former Finance minister, Anwar…

Home Ministry under siege, mentally

By John Inbaraj, Aliran In an earlier article which appeared under this section entitled “Something is rotten about migrant workers’ entry rules” (19 September 2011), I had quite openly implied that…

Secret order to snoop on WikiLeaks

(Reuters) - WASHINGTON: The U.S. government obtained secret court orders to force Google Inc and a small Internet provider to hand over information from email accounts of a WikiLeaks volunteer,…

Malaysia ‘better for refugees’

By Kirsty Needham and Michelle Grattan, The AgeJULIA Gillard has received a rare boost ahead of this week's parliamentary vote on the Malaysia people swap plan, with the United Nations refugee agency…

Reason To Vote

By IkhlasMalaysia First of all, is casting a vote a 'right' (hak) or a responsibilty (tanggungjawab)?