Using hudud card to rally support

Realising that Barisan Nasional is making strides with Malay support, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is now openly embracing hudud law in support of PAS’ ambition. His move may cost him the votes of…

Pakatan must come clean on hudud

Barisan Nasional leaders want Pakatan Rakyat to state its stand clearly over the implementation of hudud laws in the country. “(Opposition Leader) Anwar (Ibrahim) says he supports (hudud laws), but…

If it works well, don’t fix it

The question now is: are PAS and DAP going to swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker? If they are then maybe they are not matured enough and are not ready yet to form the next…

Will they never learn?

THE PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENTI am referring to some of the opposition leaders who have responded to Mahathir’s devillish stirring of the old hudud issue, and the stance of the many non-Muslims out there to…

What is meant by Hudud?

What many do not realise is that the hand cutting punishment is not an automatic thing. The criminal must first be assessed as to why he or she stole. And if it is because of poverty, then instead…

Gerakan Says No to Hudud

(Bernama) - Gerakan will oppose any attempt to implement hudud or any other theocratic law as it goes against the basic structure of the federation and constitution, said its deputy president Datuk…

Stupider Malayans

By DUMNOTuan-tuan dan puan-puan. Puan-puan dan tuan-tuan. Datuk-datuk, nenek-nenek, batuk-batuk, hingus-hingus dan lain-lain seklian. I will now change my mode again for the sake of the stupit…

Comic Relief

By Scapegoat JoeThe Cast:High Court Judge Latuk Mohd. ZMD (Judge)Latuk Seri AI (DSAI)Defense Lead Counsel KS (King Kapal or KK)Defense Lawyer SN (Ke Le Fe Lawyer or KLFL)Allegedly being F-ed SBA…

Brief for the Prime Minister

By Thuraisingham ShunA.  Preamble The Malaysian Cooperative movement is today, 89 years. It consists of 8500 cooperatives with a membership of over 9 million snowballing to 17 million with family…

The hudud hysteria

By The Malaysian InsiderIt is a no-brainer why Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dredged up the issue of PAS’s pursuit of hudud law in Kelantan.

In with the unknown

By The EconomistTHE more enthusiastic are calling it a “hibiscus revolution”, in honour of both Malaysia’s national flower and the Arab awakening. Suddenly, it seems, one of Asia’s most politically…

Wake Up From Narrow, Race-Based Politics

By Teresa Kok I am very surprised by MCA Youth National Chairman Wee Ka Siong’s statement accusing me of misleading and stirring the Indian community, particularly the school board of SJKT…