Lynas shares drop on higher losses

By Greg Roberts, Sydney Morning Herald Australia's largest rare earths miner Lynas Corporation has posted a 33 per cent jump in full year losses following a year blighted by controversy.Public…

Revolts looming in Sabah BN

By Luke Rintod, FMT KOTA KINABALU: If the virulent exchanges among Sabah Barisan Nasional component parties are to be taken seriously, then back-stabbing, revolts and open challenges will be a…

Testing the limits of reform

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak indeed has the country buzzing with his promises of sweeping reforms, but any change to these laws will take at least a year – and that’s practically an…

Malaysia too dangerous, says council

By NineMsn, Australia The Refugee Council says there may be hope in the future to work with Malaysia on asylum seekers, but now is not the time for an agreement with the Asian nation.

Wind of freedom blows to SE Asia

Indonesia, for one, has a big problem with its commitment to uphold religious freedom, as highlighted by the U.S. State Department in its recent report that in some instances Indonesia failed to…

Stupit Malayans

By DUMNO    Ha ha... Election coming oredi. We DUMNO non-non's will win again. You see, ah... We can give out a few ringgit here and there, and everyone will kowtow to us. Kiss our hand-lah, jilat our…

Hudud cracks in Pakatan

By K Pragalath, FMT PETALING JAYA: Cracks are beginning to appear in Pakatan Rakyat over the Islamic law issue, with opposition supremo Anwar Ibrahim backing its implementation in the PAS-run state…

Muhyiddin: Umno backs hudud law too

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider PUTRAJAYA, Sept 22 — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today that Umno supported hudud laws in principle as they are part and parcel of Islam but stressed that…

Some call it divine intervention

Sigh…poor Gani Patail. Nothing seems to be going his way. He is supposed to be God where even Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is supposed to be scared of him. But everything he tries…

Anwar backs hudud in Kelantan

(The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today threw his weight behind Kelantan’s longstanding plans to implement hudud, saying that the laws proposed by the PAS government protected the…

RM218m suit against BN struck out

 (The Malaysian Insider) - The High Court today struck out a RM218 million suit against the Barisan Nasional (BN) brought by a company which claimed it had supplied the BN election material.