Pakatan’s sexy 10

The smart are virile but the dumb and dirty are the ones obsessed with sex 24/7.Selena Tay, FMT Sex is one topic that can override all other issues, even corruption. Therefore, Barisan Nasional has…

Thank God it’s Friday

I suppose at the end of the day it’s all about money. So you need to be an ex-Mufti before you speak up and tell Muslims the truth. While you are still a ‘sitting’ Mufti you will keep your big…

Can Malaysia continue to be at peace?

I will never break your trust!Adelene Teo, New Mandala Since Independence in 1957 from the British, Malaysiahas generally been a peaceful country except for the Communist insurgency between 1948 and…

Puteri positif cadangan hudud

Ketua Puteri, Datuk Rosnah Abd Rashid Shirlin (Sinar Harian) - Puteri Umno memandang positif cadangan pelaksanaan hudud, namun menegaskan ia perlu dilakukan dengan teliti dan sempurna.

Masing in real fix over Larry’s SWP

Joe Fernandez The PRS president is eager to see SWP disappear from the political radar but it is not that easy. Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president James Masing Anak Jemut, as an interested…