Rebellious divisions holding Najib back

(Free Malaysia Today) - Is Najib Tun Razak, who has been groomed since young to lead the country, facing a coup in Umno?Why is Prime Minister and Umno president Najib Tun Razak procrastinating in…

Is Malaysia a welfare state?

Wan Saiful Wan Jan (The Edge) SPEAKING at a Chap Goh Meh event in Klang earlier this year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that any attempt to turn Malaysia into a welfare state could…

Kantoi! Ummi Hafilda larikan duit RM2,500

Milo SuamRUPANYA ada cerita lucu di sebalik ceramah Ummi Hafilda. Sebelum ini dalam ceramah, beliau mendakwa berjuang mendedahkan salah laku Anwar Ibrahim demi bangsa dan negara ternyata karut…

10 alasan sabit Anwar kes liwat

Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi terkhilaf dalam memutuskan terdapat keraguan ke atas integriti sampel-sampel DNA yang diperolehi daripada Mohd Saiful, kata pihak pendakwaan. (FMT) - Pihak pendakwaan memohon…

Pakatan has ‘people power’

(FMT) - Pakatan Rakyat’s confidence of wresting Putrajaya from Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general election hinges on the three million new voters, whom it claims are “ready” to vote in a new…

Ex-PKR man’s Talam warning

(The Star) - Former PKR secretary-general Datuk Sallehuddin Hashim appears to be vindicated in the controversy involving Talam Corporation Bhd and the Selangor Government.

Malaysia Goes After a Whistle-blower

Bourdon and Gabriel say they've got the goodsCompanies commission investigators show up at NGO's door (Asia Sentinel) - Suaram, the Kuala Lumpur-based human rights NGO at the center of attempts to…

Backsliding in Burma and Malaysia?

(The Diplomat) - Reporters San Frontiers (RSF) said it was disturbed to learn that the well-known Malaysian blogger Syed Abdullah Hussein Al-Attas is being held under the Official Secrets Act…