No calm before the storm

The contest has not even begun but the two rival candidates for the Pandan parliamentary seat have been exchanging barbed remarks and calling each other names like ‘political opportunist’ and…

On books, cowards and lazy people

I have yet to hear an articulation of what is wrong with this book. How this book could “shock the people and harm public security and order” (under section 7(1) of the Printing Presses and…

Amnesia, Paranoia, Inertia (API)

I am learning that there are no absolute answers in complex historical events. Only fools claim they do. It saddens me deeply to know that the greatest tragedy of our history syllabus is not its…

Reconciliation and the Bittersweet Truth

Our nation has become so divided today that it is imperative for whoever wins the next general election to repair the rift. A witch-hunt by Pakatan against the losing side will do the opposite.…

The NEP – The Good and The Bad

Achieving the numbers became the goal; not really making sure there is real social change. We forced those who are not ready and load money onto people who may not know how to make the best use of…

Wither English, Wither Nation

English is an “open-source” language because unlike French or Arabic, I am told, it doesn’t have an official governing body to decide what can or cannot be added to the language. As a result,…

Nazri: All facts is no fun

Several BN MPs claim that their opposition counterparts engage in too much rhetoric, but the minister says this is what makes Parliament exciting. Patrick Lee, FMT Differing with the view of many…

The silent racist

 Do you know that there is one Chinese Yang Berhormat from Johor (Barisan Nasional YB, of course) whose brother is the head of the Chinese underworld that controls the prostitution, drugs, gambling…

Lost and going downhill?

If not for any other reason, BN should be rejected due to its election date game.  Selena Tay, FMT Again there are rumours that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may dissolve Parliament this month, to…

BN may retain 137 parliamentary seats

(Bernama) - The Barisan Nasional (BN) is likely to retain the 137 parliamentary seats it now holds with five percent margin on either side, but not enough to reach two-thirds majority, according to…

Chandra Muzzafar’s silos

No Chinese parent will ever see Dr Muzzafar’s point, nor will Dr Muzzafar’s wish for national unity be ever achieved with just a good national type education system when the so-called Malaysian…