Suaram’s submarine a PKR torpedo?

It is time for Suaram to clarify its relationship with PKR and to explain to the people why it is behaving in such obviously partisan ways. Zaidel Baharuddin, FMT It seems Opposition Leader Anwar…

Cashing in on Malay votes

'Allocations' was the major concern raised by Malay NGOs in a dialogue with the deputy prime minister. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT More money! This was the recurring phrase during a dialogue between…

Sultan Johor murka terhadap Nizar

(Bernama) - Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim hari ini melahirkan rasa murka terhadap bekas Menteri Besar Perak Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin yang mengkritik tindakan baginda membida nombor…

A crisis of confidence

I always think that Liow lacks pride, courage and confidence. He admitted that he did not handle it well but he seems unaware that it was because of the lack of pride, courage and confidence that a…

Whither the standard of English?

In my humble opinion, to be fair it was not Anwar who started the fire, the seeds of nationalism having been planted much earlier. But if there is one thing we can credit Anwar for is his ability to…