It is how you perceive things

Your view does not make what you say become the truth. Truth is subjective. That these organisations exist is true. That they fight for a cause is true. Whether the cause is right is not the truth.…

An approaching war of words

 Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will deliver a speech on Friday night in conjunction with Umno's 66th anniversary. How will Umno respond to the challenges of the civil society? Will the reforms…

In and out with a bang

 Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim's fall from grace with the DAP leadership has been swift and severe and many doubt that he can continue in DAP after what has happened.Joceline Tan, The Star  

Kajian: 49% cenderung BN, 30% tak pasti

(Sinar Harian) - Sekitar 49 peratus pengundi memilih Barisan Nasional (BN) sebagai parti keutamaan mereka menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13), yang disebut-sebut akan diadakan bulan depan,…

Lynas info satisfies committee

(The Star) - The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Lynas is satisfied with the explanation given by the rare earth mining company. PSC chairman Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said Lynas had…

Undi Pos Di Dun Ladang Yang Meragukan!!!

Ariffin Deraman Pengarah Jabatan Pilihanraya PAS Terengganu Kemasukan undi pos di Dun Ladang sangat meragukan. Didalam pilihanraya umum ke 12 yang lalu undi pos di dun Ladang hanya 901 orang…

‘Perkasa antics will cost BN’

This morning some 30 Perkasa members held a protest and conducted funeral rites for Lim before holding another noisy gathering in Komtar. Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today  GEORGE TOWN: A local…

Victims of self-hypnosis

 Before we celebrate our ‘success’ and declare that we have ‘won’ and that we represent the majority view, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Do we really represent the majority view?…

Hadi: Pakatan will implement hudud

 (NST) - Hudud will be implemented if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power but it will only be for Muslims, while non-Muslims will be given an option whether they want to be subjected to the law, said Pas…

‘Middle’ voters the kingmakers

 Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew A dramatic change in the country’s political ecosystem after the March 2008 general election is that partisan lines are getting more and more distinct, and the so-called…