Violence against Malaysia

In all my years as a journalist, I have never felt as threatened and intimidated as I did that day. And I am one who has reported in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Lebanon and Pattani. Zan…

Making Sabah angry – and amused

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's claim that Sabah will be 'richest' soon, hints that he is privy to facts behind speculations that the state is sitting on the 'biggest oil find in the region'. Luke Rintod, Free…

Umno hawks playing the race card

An Umno leader claims that the chaos at the Bersih 3.0 gathering is whipping up more support for Umno. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today  The Umno hawks are attempting to give a racial tint on…

Peaceful assembly a legal right

Peaceful intention: A Bersih 3.0 supporter handing out flowers to Federal Reserve Unit members at a barricade near Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur, in this file picture. The Bersih organisers, the…

Bersih has struck terror in Umno

The most portent information that Bersih provided on April 28 is that people need not fear the regime anymore. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today  On April 28, the Najib government showed that…