Your rally, your story, your right

But when you have a large number of people amassing in one place, something stupid will eventually happen. Zaidel Baharuddin, Free Malaysia Today  So the “freedom fighters” descended upon Dataran…

More scandals, more dirt, more lies

Besides the Bersih 3.0 uproar, the country is kept busy with other disturbing news. Jeswan Kaur, Free Malaysia Today Looks like there is no dearth of “news” post-Bersih 3.0. The entire April 28 sit-in…

The awakening has begun

 KTEMOC KONSIDERS From Malaysia-Today's Press pounces on Anwar and Azmin:PKR de facto leader and deputy president were castigated in a media conference by reporters from various news portals and…

Police to arrest protesters soon

CID director Mohd Bakri Zinin said police would release the pictures of those who attacked the police and members of the public. (Free Malaysia Today) - Police will soon arrest participants who turned…

Isu Azmin: MB S’gor berlepas tangan

Beliau sekadar menjawab 'tiada komen' dan tersenyum apabila soalan mengenai perkara ini diajukan para pemberita. (Free Malaysia Today) - Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim mengambil…

Over a Patch of Grass

“What will be the worst consequence if the crowd breaks through the police barrier? The consequence will be about 100,000 gathering on Dataran Merdeka and sitting there for another hour.  It is…

Bersih 3.0

Who do the people go to if they want to complain against the police?Gerard Lourdesamy

Myth 2: Zaharin Yassin’s big mouth

ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALLZaharin Yassin's big mouth is no myth. He has a mouth with large lips and opening. Being together with him in our struggle against Tun Dol and knowing him close enough,…

DAP says police caused riot at Bersih

 (The Malaysian Insider) - The DAP accused the police today of creating a riot at last Saturday’s Bersih rally, comparing the force to criminal gangs and the Gestapo, Nazi Germany’s secret police.

Why Bersih 3.0 went belly up

 Qiu Yaofeng, The Malaysian Insider Recriminations from both sides were quick to fly even before the police had finished clearing out the streets of Kuala Lumpur in a haze of tear gas and…

The Bersih that wasn’t

 Instead, at least from where my friends and I were, we were told to sit down when it was time to "Duduk Bantah" and each time a politician passed through, guarded by PAS’s Unit Amal, we had to stand…

On being forced to vote for an idiot

 What is with this “you’re either with us or against us”-policy with Pakatan Rakyat? When you point out the opposition pact’s flaws, poor decisions and general lack of leadership — especially where…