Hoping for winds of change

Malaysians want to see the country taking a turn for the better after the 13th general election, although some feel it will be the same old story. Aneesa Alphonsus, Free Malaysia Today  If you’re…

The great scam

The mission of 'Task Force MyKad' is to give instant citizenship to illegals and foreign workers with the purpose of putting their names onto the electoral roll. Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today As he…

A journey of 39 years

Today is our 39th wedding anniversary. Marina and I got married on the 14th of April 1973, exactly 39 years ago. Marina was 14 and I was 17 when we first met. We got married five years

So near yet so far

BN would probably garner 4-4.2 million votes against PR’s 4.3-4.5 million. Against that backdrop, NS is a possible sixth state for PR (assuming they hold on to the four they current have and win back…

Khairy says will debate Rafizi, Ambiga

 (The Malaysian Insider) - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today accepted PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli’s challenge to debate on education and agreed to debate with Bersih 2.0 co-chair Datuk…

Back Bersih rally, Anwar tells voters

The opposition leader says it's time for the 'poor and oppressed' to kick out BN and a clean election is needed to ensure this happens. (Free Malaysia Today) - Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has…

Nurture Our Young Leaders

Anas Zubedy Why must we nurture our young regardless of ethnicity, religion, locality or political leaning? To survive into the future, organisations and society must manage the current pool of…

Najib’s not indispensable

Why should Malaysians' take up Najib's offer to judge him on his ideas and track records when he is cultured in the same Umno mold? Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today  Najib Tun Razak cares…