How fast we forget!

Today, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir is telling us that Umno is corrupt. Umno is evil. Umno bribes the voters. Umno is involved in ‘money politics’. But Umno has always been doing this even when it was known…

Tribunal on AG: Ball at PM’s foot

Since the former Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Director Ramli Yusuff launched the accusation of breach of law with comprehensive details against Attorney General Gani Patail and…

Is Najib a statesman?

Many of Najib’s promises are merely pie in the sky as he is lacking in ideas on implementation. It is easy to promise, he says, and the same could very well be applied to him – the promise maker…

We don’t have to live in fear

Being left alone is not our privilege. It is our right. Falling in love is not our privilege. It is our right. Expressing who we are is not our privilege. It is our right. Not being beaten up is…

Thank you for making someone cry

A political rally was taking place when a group of youth on motor bikes came asking for trouble to an otherwise peaceful gathering. Then one of these hecklers found himself isolated from his group…

When movements override causes

It took only 24 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad for Muslims to engage in three civil wars over a period of another 24 years. And this is because the cause played second fiddle to…

Three-way fight looms, says Kedah DAP

(The Star) - Kedah DAP has not ruled out the possibility of a three-way fight in elections if its demand for more seats is not met. Its chairman Lee Guan Aik, however, said he still hoped to avoid…