Now can you see the light?

  No, I am not going to write about this matter. I just want you to read what the news portals reported (below) and for you to form your own opinion and come to your own conclusion. What I…

Umno chosen by God, says Reezal

Hazlan Zakaria, Malaysiakini Umno is the party chosen by God to liberate the chosen land of Malaysia and to uplift the chosen race of the Malays, claimed Umno Youth information chief Reezal Merican…

Amaran 13 Mei bukan ancaman

Namun perbezaan ideologi antara parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat menjadi faktor utama yang mampu menggugat kestabilan negara, kata Muhyiddin Yassin. Jamilah Kamarudin, FMT Timbalan Presiden Umno Tan Sri…

PAS, still the same old iron mould?

Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The rivalry in Malaysian politics will very often take the extreme course, banking on the sensitive racial and religious issues. The current Umno general assembly is…

True, I am not you. I can’t know.

  She’s only 28. And she’s already borne nine childrenIt’s so easy for me to look at her from the outside and judge her motives, her attitude, her actions. From my higher ground of better education,…

No, it is not over yet

  AG Gani Patail has seen Rosli’s witness statement and he is worried. It is explosive. It tells the real story behind why they brutally arrested and charged him one day before Hari Raya in…