The First Blast

The war game between me and the ‘Big Guy’ blasted out when I refused to cooperate with him in his mission to go against the Islamic Faraid Law and the Laws of Malaysia. Prior to that incident, I had…

No room for two tigers in Penang

With the general election imminent, the worsening feud between DAP deputy secretary-general Dr P. Ramasamy and national chairman Karpal Singh has put the party in a dilemma. There is no place for…

Selangor penyumbang terbesar KDNK

(Harakah Daily) - Tidak syak lagi, di bawah kepimpinan MB Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, agama Islam dapat terus dipertahankan di negeri itu di tengah-tengah usaha mengekalkannya…

EPISODE 21: On the road to Hajj

Is this how the Barisan Nasional government uses the rakyat’s money? By buying luxury apartments for personal use? It looks like the NFC is not the only case of such abuse of power. KDEB appears to…

Give me your best shot

Note that Malaysia needs a strong two-party system. We also need a strong opposition to maintain checks and balances. If not then we would end up with a dictatorship. While I would admit that Anwar…

Karpal: Trio unfit to judge

(The Star) - The spat between DAP national chairman Karpal Singh and Dr P. Ramasamy has worsened, with the veteran DAP leader challenging the disciplinary committee's decision to clear charges…

Things you didn’t suspect

There are many unsavory things happening inside PKR that are seldom heard outside the circle of intimates and the next few paragraphs shall attempt to address these issues.THE CORRIDORS OF POWER…

Bersih spreads its’ wings to Sarawak

The immigration department has the legal power to bar a person if he/she does not possess the entry documents. But if the person has all the necessary documents, the immigration has no legal right…